Why Do Brides Get Stressed?
Believe it or not, if you are planning your wedding, you will probably suffer from stress even if you have never suffered from stress before. This happens!
You will be thrown into situations like nothing you have ever experienced. You may find yourself pushed and pulled in all directions and at a loss to know what to do. It can be tough!
Some brides are so swept up with wanting the perfect Instagram wedding that they don’t stop and think about the
wedding they would really like to have. What they enjoy, what makes them happy and so they are just miserable and tend to make others miserable around them as their mood swings become worse and their stress levels grow.
You may have seen how some brides-to-be post every purchase they make for their wedding on social media and want to get clarification by members of the group that members like what they are buying, that people like their ideas, their choice of dress, their choice of flowers, of venue, of shoes.
These brides-to-be are constantly seeking approval from people in random groups that they don’t know. They open themselves up to so much stress that they shouldn’t have to experience. If they receive comments they don’t like from a random stranger, they take it to heart and often change what they are doing.
This chopping and changing what they are planning and what they are doing to get likes from random strangers means that their planning is haphazard and the changes they make often causes their budget to become a distant memory as they become obsessed with every tiny detail.
Sometimes a bride’s expectations not meeting their reality can be difficult for them to deal with, and interference from others can become overwhelming.
According to a survey of 500 engaged or newly married brides by Zola – 96% OF BRIDES DO GET STRESSED!
I know how it feels to be frustrated when you lose control of your wedding planning. When you have interference. It happened to me when I married for the first time.
I found my mother-in-law-to-be overpowering. She criticized everything I did. She changed my flower order because she decided that she had a better idea.
She added people to the guest list after everything had been finalised, which blew out the budget and messed up the seating.
It was as if she was trying to make it her wedding day. The day she would have liked to have had when she was married.
At that time, I didn’t have the strategies and tools to take control of planning my wedding back. Now I have.
Using strategies that I had developed over a number of years as a result of arranging multiple events, I was able to arrange my 2nd wedding in 5 weeks, from signing the Notice of Intended Marriage to my wedding day, and this time my wedding day was everything I wanted, and planning my entire wedding was simple!
I understand that so many brides have challenges in arranging their weddings, just like I did the first time I was married as a young bride. This is why I have developed an easy-to-follow system which gives simple strategies to help brides to have a wedding day that you and your friends will love.
These strategies and resources are the simplest way for any bride to enjoy planning their wedding.
This is a simple program that takes you through your entire wedding day with a pinpoint focus. As a result, when you follow the program, everything for your wedding day will flow the way you want it to, and you will not waste your time, money and energy on things that are not relevant.
Learn how you can arrange your wedding day easily
Be in the 4% of brides that don’t get stressed. Allow yourself to have clarity for your entire wedding day – Learn more